"6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. And sometimes, all you need is one."

Monday, February 22, 2010

just a little shout out...

Just wanted to give a little shout out to my wonderful hubby.. we celebrated his 24th birthday last weekend AND Valentines day! I am so lucky to have him in my life and I am so grateful for his example and love he shows to me! He works so hard and he is going to be the best dad to our little girl! I love you babe! :)


barbwinegar622 said...

Cute couple! Love you Jesse and happy birthday!

Kami said...

Happy Birthday Jesse! I am still sorry for getting it wrong on the family sheet. :) I just looked at your counter...31 days!! That is crazy and so exciting. Hope all is going well...

The Summers said...

Jess- I am so happy that you found my blog and that I now get to add your blog to my list! I am so excited for you and for your upcoming adventure with a baby girl! That will be so fun!! Take care

I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com